Applying Senge’s Learning Organization Model on Secondary Schools
Teachers’ Perception about Current Practices and Processes
Learning Organization, Secondary Schools, Teachers, Senge's Model, Learning Organization, School, Senge’s Model, Secondary School TeachersAbstract
The rapid changes in the world, technological advancement and other factors push an organization to be learning and changing with the needs of the time to overcome the challenges. School being a nursery to groom generations face these challenges more than any other organization. Hence schools need to be learning and changing constantly to meet the needs of the society and the time. The current study was aimed to find out the perceptions and opinions of the teachers regarding their respective schools whether their school can be called a learning organization or not keeping in view the model of learning organization proposed by Peter Senge. The study was descriptive in nature which applied quantitative methodology with a survey research method. A total of n=120 secondary school teachers participated in this study. The data was collected through an adapted questionnaire which was originally developed by Joo Ho Park. The analysis of data was done through SPSS V22 using descriptive analysis, t-test and ANOVA. The results of the study showed that the teachers have persistent opinion about the elements of learning organization model. The findings show no significant difference of perception among teachers regarding their schools as learning organization on the basis of variables like gender and type of school (Public & Private). However, the study finds significant difference of perception among the participants based upon their teaching experience.
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