Effectiveness: Usefulness of Teaching: way of instruction, Pedagogy: Teaching Courses: ProgressionAbstract
Objective of the study are: (a) To study the current teaching methods which are using in ADE classes program in our elementary teacher training college.(b)To analyze the practices ADE practicum in the pedagogy of G.SCI, ENG, AND MATH courses. The study is significant for the faculty members, students of and .ADE teachers, the study is beneficial for the policy makers and professional of ADE curriculum developers, for this study, Survey method has been used to meet the objectives of the study. Questionnaire has been used as a tool of research. Population of the study is the students of 6 elementary colleges of teacher’s education of Sindh. Data has been collected through personal visits. Percentage has been used in the analysis of the data. Finding of study was that the perspective teachers are using the INDUCTIVE teaching method in Math, GTM, ALU, in English while in science , INQUIRY METHODS are using in G,SCI activity. It is recommended that perspective teacher should innovative teaching methods in teaching and in learning methods students should be used trained for modern teaching with activates, teacher should emphasis activities in learning process
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