مکتبہ براہوئیہ دین پور نا نیاڑی نوشتہ کاراک
Female writers of Dinpur,s School of thoughts.
Maktaba – e – Durkhani, Maulana Muhammad Umar dinpuriAbstract
Women have been a great contribution in the different portions of the Brahui literature; In the Brahui Literature women had started writing different styles from the library or institution of Maulana Muhammad Umar dinpuri. Actually, the contribution of women in the Brahui literature flourished at the time of Maktab –e- Durkhani Which was established in 1883, at Dhadar sibi In the concerned institution or library the education of women was one of the preliminary points of the institution. Molana Abdul Majeed chotavi and Allama Muhammad umar deenpuri were the key Ulemas who wroto on the issues and problems of womenfolk , when Allama Deenpuri completed his education form Maktaba – e – Durkhani and went to Jacobabad and kept the milestone of a Dadrasa Humayon , in which he tried his best to focus the women issues according the teachings of lslam He also published a monthly magazine AL- HAQ,, in which the answers of the questions concerning to the women were discussed from that time till now the contribution of the women in the Brahui literature is going on and the Brahui women have written in different styles of the Brahui literature In the present paper the topics such as poetry short stories travelogue biographies and novels concerning to the women of Brahui literature will be discussed

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